Today feels like the first day of the new year with my husband back to work and getting back to a "normal" schedule on this first Monday of January. As I mentioned before, one of the main things that kept me sane in 2020 was making these little books with a photo or collage of photos for each day of the month. It gives me so much satisfaction to have 731 photos printed and the days captured in this way. 731!! Considering that I haven't printed photos in ages, this feels like a huge accomplishment, and though not every one of the photos is of something "important", it makes me really happy to look back over the last six months and see all the good days and good times.
I've finished my book for December with these layouts...
Remember, this book is only 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" so these photos are tiny, but just big enough to capture the memories! I've started my January book, covered in "vintage" Anna Griffin paper again and wrapped in a special ribbon from Paris. (I need to return to get more pretty ribbon!)
Right now I can't imagine what will fill the pages since I don't have anything scheduled this whole month, but that is part of the challenge... it actually motivates me to get out and do something, just to have something to add to my book. It forces me to think about specific good things that I could take photos of and that's a good thing!
I've chosen my word for the year after a lot of deliberation - I'll talk more about that soon, and I've started a huge project... organizing all my photos from all the years of my life. UGH - more about that, too. What a difficult project!
I hope you have a good day to start a good year! Love, Debby xoxo
(There is still time to sign up for the class learning all about how I make these pages and more with my iPhone that I'm teaching this coming weekend. The class info is HERE.)