I love getting emails and messages from all of you were inspired by my first post about organizing my photos (Part 1 is here) to tackle your own! We're in it together! When I wrote my last post, this was the situation with my photos... I had gotten out every loose photo from whatever storage box or drawer it was in and put them in categories on the table. When I was done, it was completely overwhelming and left me with no where to work on further sorting.
Sooo, I moved the piles to the shelf on the wall near the table and labeled each pile...
I've also sorted some of the biggest piles further to photos of just my husband, just me, and family occasion photos...
I've also got two huge piles that are photos of just Brandon and just Jeremy, and then also piles of the four of us as a family, ones with just Jeremy and Brandon, ones with one of the boys with Dave or I, and a pile of the photos of just Dave and I, rather than having them separated by occasion. I'm not sure that this is the right way to organize them, but this is a start before the next step...
Ugh... the next step. I brought every scrapbook into the room and the next task is to somehow see which photos are already in scrapbooks. I have years of fabulous scrapbooks done for each year, for vacations, etc. I'll have to share some of the layouts sometime. Because I taught a 2 page layout every week for seven years, I have a lot of super cute layouts that perfectly tell the story of those days. Do I really need the doubles of those photos? I'm thinking, no, but I might like to save the very best of the doubles since no one looks at the scrapbooks anymore. I'll let you know how this step goes...
I found this girl who teaches a class on organizing old photos, so I'm thinking of watching that class for hints. I don't know her and can't vouch for the class, but here is the link to her classes: missfreddy.com. I'll take any guidance I can get at this point! For something like $2,500+, she would organize my photos! LOL I'll keep plugging away and figure that I'm not under a time crunch to get it done. I have some other work I need to get done right now with planning and ordering products for new classes and getting a couple other classes filmed on Zoom, so I'm not working on it too much these days. ****Update: I purchased and watched her photo organization and I'm sorry to say that I don't really recommend it for the price. The session video on actually organizing your photos is 3 minutes long, as are the other videos in the class for a total of about 15 minutes of instruction.
Do you have any hints for me? Enjoy today! Love, Debby xoxo
Miss Freddy organized her mother (or mil) old scrapbook into a digital one. It looked like she did a great job condensing all the old photos (and there were a lot!)
Posted by: Doris | January 14, 2021 at 08:57 AM
Good luck!! I had nothing close to the amount of scrapbooks you have and I found going through all my pictures to see which I had scrapped and which I hadn’t overwhelming. I got it done but ugh. The one thing I did that really helped me was to put the loose pictures in date order after creating the piles at the point where you are now. Made it easier to go through the scrapbooks and look.
Posted by: Deb J | January 14, 2021 at 12:23 PM
Stacy Julian is starting up her photo freedom class. Check her out.
Posted by: Christine plaxco | January 14, 2021 at 12:28 PM